SCEMS Facilities


It should be noted that if your child suffers from an ailment which will affect his/her participation in daily activities, it is essential that the school be informed from time to time. 

At SCEMS, we cater to the needs of our students in all possible manners. The student who is unwell can access the facilities of the infirmary with the consent of concerned. Emergency care is provided and the parents/guardians are informed if necessary. 

A special room with beds and proper first aid is provided within the school campus in order to help the ailing students. The room can be used with the permission of the class teacher or the Principal.

  1. Parents are requested not to send sick-children to school for attending classes.
  2. Annual health check-up is conducted by school.
  3. Students suffering from infectious diseases should not be sent to school until they are fully recovered.
  4. Students suffering from chronic diseases like Asthma, Epilepsy, heart disease etc., are advised to report to the school.