Intershcool Competitions

At SCEMS we have many co-curricular activities which help in the all-round development of students. Right from June students take part in different Inter-School competitions.

Sports and Games

The NEP proposes sports-integration, or utilizing physical activities in pedagogical practices, to increase the students’ cognitive abilities, while promoting their physical and psychological well-being. Sports-integrated learning will help students achieve fitness levels envisaged in the Fit India movement, and adopt fitness as a lifelong attitude. It will also develop their skills like collaboration, self-initiative, teamwork and responsibility. To fulfil this dream, the school has got a sports committee that is responsible for the growth of the students in this regard. There are also four clubs: Eco, Science, Sports, and literary. The school conducts various competitions that are meant to involve each and every student. Saturdays are reserved for conducting competitions and we seek full active participation from the students. SCEMS provides enormous facilities in training many kinds of indoor games like chess, carom, shuttle badminton and table tennis. Equal importance is also given to outdoor games. We have a very large playground for practicing football, basketball, throw ball, shuttle badminton and volleyball etc.,


The value of athletics in schools is significant and cannot be overlooked. It has a profound impact on the students. Growth of a child from infancy to adulthood demands physiological and psychological channels. Talents in sports at SCEMS is identified, nurtured, encouraged and rewarded. Children are given the opportunity to experience a variety of physical educational opportunities within the school campus.

Art and Culture

The crux of art education is that it imparts knowledge and education in various fields of the arts like music, theatre, dance and visual arts. This helps the students to think in innovative ways, encourages creativity, thinking outside the box and having good interpersonal skills. Art improves motor skills, simple things like mastering a paint brush or using crayons and pencils help develop finer motor skills, especially in younger children. The activities offered are classical and Western dance, instrumental and vocal music, Art and craft, public speaking, leadership camps, roller skating, social service etc.

Art and Culture

The crux of art education is that it imparts knowledge and education in various fields of the arts like music, theatre, dance and visual arts. This helps the students to think in innovative ways, encourages creativity, thinking outside the box and having good interpersonal skills. Art improves motor skills, simple things like mastering a paint brush or using crayons and pencils help develop finer motor skills, especially in younger children. The activities offered are classical and Western dance, instrumental and vocal music, Art and craft, public speaking, leadership camps, roller skating, social service etc.

Co-curricular Activities

NEP gives equal emphasis on co-curricular activities as it gives to classroom education. The co-curricular activities are activities that are supplementary to classroom education. Co-curricular activities do not carry grades but the student’s performance in these activities are shown in the report card.

Main Types of Co-curricular Activities


School Band

SCEMS has the credit of having an excellent band group. They are adept and well trained by the efficient trainers. Musical instruments that are used in marching bands include Woodwind, Brass, Trumpet, Flute, Saxophone, Cymbals, Bass Drum. Musically inclined youngsters are selected for training in harmony; to perform at school events and inter school competitions.

  • Band enhances creative thinking of the students. 
  • It gives them the chance to create beauty and elicit emotion.
  • It provides them an outlet to be ingenious and be involved in something other than athletics. It improves brain synapses.
  • Band allows students a chance to practice emotions, fine motor skills, discipline, rigor, persistence and teamwork.
  • It teaches them to work together in an environment where everyone is important all the time wherein everyone wins and no one is ever on the bench.