Student Behaviour
Good habits of conduct and proper attitudes toward school, fellow beings, nature and the society originate in the home. It is not expected that a child will learn self-discipline in school if that development has not been started at home. The school is an extension of the home and shares the responsibility with the parents to help the student develop appropriate behaviors and effective learning habits. Every student has the right to a proper learning environment and the actions of a few students cannot be allowed to detract from the educational welfare of all the students. Any conduct both in and out of school that reflects negatively upon the reputation of the school may be subject to disciplinary action. Certain types of behavior are totally inappropriate in a school.
- Use or possession of narcotics, alcohol, or tobacco on or near school premises
- Habitual profanity or vulgarity and persistent disobedience
- Habitual truancy and stealing.
- Wilful defacing or otherwise damaging in any way property belonging to the school, teachers, staff, or students and leaving school grounds without permission.
- Significantly disrupting the maintenance of good order and discipline at the school or any school function, despite receiving reasonable instruction to cease such behaviour
Our goal is to create a culture that values cooperation, appreciation of diversity, tolerance, and healthy relationships among the students. We are dedicated to creating a safe, social climate for all. We want our students to know they are supported and valued and will be helped when there is a problem. Bullying is an act of intentional, repeated aggression, based on an imbalance of power that is meant to harm a victim either physically or psychologically. However, bullying is not the rare occasion of a falling out with friends, name-calling, arguments, or when the occasional trick or joke is played on someone. It is an important part of children’s development to learn how to deal with friendship breakdowns, the odd name-calling, or childish prank. Cyber bullying, which includes writing hurtful statements on a social media site or website, forwarding rumors and gossip through text messages or emails, posting embarrassing pictures of someone online, digitally editing and distributing pictures of another person, insulting, or slandering others online, pretending to be another person online and setting up fake user accounts to harass others etc. will be taken strict actions.
Regular school attendance is a prerequisite for successful learning. Students should strive to be in school daily and be on time. No leave of absence is granted except on previous written application from parents/guardians and that too, only for serious reasons which should be mentioned.
- All students require minimum 75% attendance to be eligible for the final examination and promotion to the next level.
- If students, for some unexplained reasons, are absent from school more than a fortnight (2 weeks) their names will be stricken off from the rolls, and as a rule they are not re-admitted.
- If a student is absent due to illness or any other reasons the principal must be informed immediately and the student on returning to school must bring a note from the parents or guardians stating the reason for absence on the special page provided in the manual. In case of illness a medical certificate is essential.
- During school hours no student is allowed to leave the class room without the permission of the teacher until the class is dismissed.
- Parents are requested not to ask children to come away from school before the school closes for the days except in case of real necessity, in which case permission should be obtained previously in writing.
- It may kindly be noted that children will not be sent home in emergency with anyone who might come for them during school hours without a written request from the parents/guardian.
Dress Code
The Claretines must be neat and well-groomed. This defines a student’s appearance every day, whether in uniform or not and on civil dress days. At all times, clothing is neat, clean, and true to colour. Faded or torn clothing does not meet uniform requirements and is not to be worn at school.
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday & Friday
School Uniform

Shorts with light checked maroon colour with belt, light cream colour shirt, ID Card with black shoes and maroon colour socks.

Mini skirt with light checked maroon colour with belt, light cream colour shirt, ID card with black shoes and maroon colour socks.

Dark blue shorts & light sky-blue checked shirt, belt, tie, ID card with black shoes and light navy blue socks.

Dark blue skirts & light sky-blue checked shirt, belt, tie, ID card with black shoes and navy blue socks.

Dark blue full pants, light blue checked shirt, dark blue blazers, belt, tie, ID Card and black shoes and light blue socks.

Dark blue skirts & light blue checked shirt, dark blue blazers, belt, tie, ID card, with black shoes and light blue socks.
VI to X

Dark blue full pants, light blue checked shirt, dark blue blazers, belt, tie, ID card with black shoes and light blue socks.

Dark blue pants, light blue checked shirt, dark blue modi coat, belt, tie, ID Card with black shoes and light blue socks.
Civil Dress (Wednesdays)
On Wednesdays students can wear decent and modest civil dress. Suggestive clothing or clothing that supports a particular sports team, religion or political point of view is prohibited. Non-uniform shirts may be T-shirts or collared shirts of appropriate length and style. Popular jeans with holes are not allowed as well as leggings, jeggings, or yoga pants.
PT Uniform (Saturdays)

T-shirts in House Colour & white shorts for KGI-IV boys & White pants for V-X boys with black shoes and light blue socks.

T-shirts in House Colour & white pants with black shoes and light blue socks.
Ideally students are expected to keep their hairstyles short and neat. Therefore, the students are advised to have the ‘conventional hair styles.’ Highlights and hair dye, tipped or dipped hair are not allowed. No fringes/long bangs that obstruct the eyes are allowed. The students are not allowed to have ‘extreme’ haircuts with designs. The school does not permit any kind of line or pattern shaved into the side or top of the head.
- The girl students of short cut hair should have hair band as they come to school.
- The students whose hair is falling below the ears should have two big pony tails on each side of the head as per the uniform.
- Whereas, the students of long hair should have two plaits.
We stress on the personal hygiene and it is a request to all the parents that they should personally take care of their children in terms of hygiene. The following are the rules related with the hygiene:
- It should be given due emphasis on the fact that if a student is suffering from a contagious disease, the Principal should be informed as soon as possible and the student must not be sent to the school until the danger of spreading the infection is over.
- It should be given due emphasis on the fact that students are expected to wear clean and proper uniform. The clothes should not be skin tight.
- Finger nails must be trimmed regularly and kept clean.
- Students must wash hands before and after eating.
- All students must bring clean napkins along with their tiffin.
- Students should eat slowly and must not drop or spill any food.
There are certain courtesy rules that should be adhered by both the students and their parents. They should be followed with great interest and should be followed looking that it should not harm the dignity of the school. Here are some courtesy rules:
- The students should always greet their teachers, elders and friends in a pleasant and audible tone of voice, whenever they meet them in school or outside.
- The students shall ask or answer questions politely.
- The students shall talk in a distinct and clear voice and avoid the use of slang, loud talk. They must take care not to interrupt anyone who is talking.