
We believe that children can be taught self-discipline skills as a part of the total school curriculum. To this end, we strive to implement a paradigm called “Discipline with Purpose,” based on the philosophy ‘everyone is responsible for each other, but I more than anybody else.’ It is a positive approach to discipline that envisions ‘discipline not as a punishment, but rather an opportunity to teach skills that are not yet developed.’  We expect students to conduct themselves in a manner that is becoming of a Claratine and exhibit self-disciplined behavior at all times. The principal is the final recourse in all disciplinary situations. The main tenets of school discipline are the following:

General Instructions for Students

  1. Every student is advised to have a copy of the Student’s Manual which must be brought to school on all school days, failing which one may forfeit that day’s attendance. 
  2. Students are not allowed to walk about the school verandas during the class hours and when moving, they should see to it that the neighboring classes are not disturbed, and that they move in silence and in order.
  3. No one should scratch or spoil desks, benches, chairs or damage any school furniture. Students should avoid defacing the walls or floors of the school by writing or drawing anything on them. Waste papers must be deposited in the waste paper basket.
  4. Any damage done to the school will have to be made good by those responsible for it. The decision of the principal regarding the amount will be final.
  5. Being an English Medium School, the only means of communication in the school premises is English. So all are expected to speak English. 
  6. For breach of any of the school rules or norms of conduct, a student may be punished or fined at the discretion of the principal. 
  7. In case of absence, no student will be admitted to the class without leave note. In case of long leave, prior application should be given to the principal.
  8. The wellness policy of the school stipulates that no “unhealthy” birthday treats, cupcakes, birthday cake, junk food, soda, caffeine, or monster drinks are allowed in the classroom or on the school campus before or after school. Birthday gifts for students or teachers are not to be brought to school. Gum is not allowed on campus at any time.

General Instructions for Parents/Guardians

From parents/Guardians, we expect honest and consistent cooperation in the moulding of students. Parents/guardians are expected to support the school management and teachers and to recognize that disciplinary action requires the exercise of judgment, often under difficult circumstances. 

  1. The management committee reserves the right to amend the rules and regulations of the school.
  2. The parents are advised to buy the text books and note books and uniforms for their children from the authorized dealers and all correspondence should be addressed to the Principal.
  3. The school will not be responsible for any injury or bodily harm that may inadvertently occur to any student during the pursuit of normal school or extracurricular activities.     
  4. The parents are expected not to disturb teaching. They should not enter classrooms during class hours. They may meet the teachers on Saturdays from 01.00 pm to 01.30 pm. 
  5. Punctuality will be strictly enforced upon the students.
  6. The parent/guardian is allowed to meet the Principal between 10.00 am to 11.30 am.