Our Patrons

St. Claret & Immaculate Heart of Mary

Our Inspirations

The school is named after its heavenly patron, St Antony Mary Claret, a 19th-century Catholic Archbishop of Cuba and the founder of the Congregation of Missionary Sons of the Immaculate Heart of the Blessed Virgin Mary abbreviated as CMF headquartered in Rome. He was born in Sallent, Barcelona, Spain on 23rd December 1807. He was a highly successful businessman. However, disenchanted by the world's lures, he left his worldly ambitions to respond to God’s call. He sought to serve God and humanity by using all possible means with his motto “Love of Christ impels me.” He was a profound educator, a thoughtful social reformer and an icon of God’s love for the people. He ventured an infinite number of undertakings to uplift the poor and the marginalized to bring them up to the mainstream of society. 

4000 +


50 +

Experienced Teachers

350 +


100 %


What Our Stakeholders Have to Say

Student and Parent Testimonials